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Bermuda hops into the Delorian

June 6, 2008

Most of the time the little island we call home is behind the times.  We’re a bit like that orange tribe in the rain forest that has had no outside contact with the outside world, except we have actually seen the outside world and should no better.  For example, we burn all our trash and do nothing with the heat, but we burn oil to generate power.  We don’t have bottle deposits and recycling is sparse and far behind what the rest of the world is doing.

But we need to give props to Lindo’s.   Not only is it one of the nicer better priced grocery stores, but in May they decided that they were getting rid of shopping bags all together.  The paper shopping bags that always end up in the trash are to be no more, which is a big deal where most paper, and pop cans are still trashed.  Lindo’s says it goes through 2.2 million bags a year.  that’s million with an m like with 6 zeroes.  Yikes!  The store gave away reusable bags during the last two weeks of May and more were available for purchase.  We have found the reusable bags to actually be better for scooter life than the paper bags in any case.  We have 6 bags, which is more than enough for any of our runs. Yay environment!

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