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We don’t make sneakers yet. Part deux

March 27, 2006

Continuing on from the last entry….


The temperatures we had are generally reserved for Nike employees, steamshops and anything run by Kathy Lee Gifford and I was worried that we were going to either start making fake Gucci purses or fake sneakers soon.  As you can imagine productivity was hurt. I also think they were close to bringing a large drum to beat for us to keep up with on our accountant tasks.  Thankfully it never came to that.


Some relief came when it was really cool, but mostly it was pretty stinky.  Oskar went on a trip for a few days and like kids we busted open his windows and put the most powerful fan we could find in there to cool off the floor.  This was great and we almost felt human, then some pigeons came in and we had to chase them out of the office.  Small price to pay I say, plus it’s a good story.  Not often you can say, “what did you do today" –“ I chased pigeons from the office".


I think we purchased every fan in the city and some air purifiers.  I have always wondered what this device really does.  I have attached a picture of our “air purifier”.  First, I expected it to be much bigger, at least the size of a large beaver vs. something the size of a couple of phone books.  I suspect that this device is actually some ancient CIA technology that was meant to eavesdrop on our conversations. Take a look for yourself.  If the British had “listening devices” that looked like rocks outside the Russian embassy, anything is possible.


I reaffirmed one thing I suspected.  As most will tell you, I am not that mechanically inclined.  However, as far as accountants go,  I might as well have my own show on TLC.  I confirmed this suspicion by becoming the champion fan assembler for the office.  Doesn’t sound like much but I had to make a screwdriver out of a spoon, much like MacGyver, one day…


Everything was supposed to be finished for Monday morning.  However Monday came and still lots of heat.  We got word that they had installed everything and “in theory the air conditioning should be working”.   What this really means is that the smartest or most skilled person currently working on it has looked at things and has no idea why it doesn’t work.  It also means they need to find someone with better skills to fix it.  It made me wonder how many people are kept busy from similar statements and how many people’s jobs could be better described as “the person they call when, in theory something should work but doesn’t”.  I suspect they do pretty well. 


When the a/c was finally fixed they had to test it.  Secretly I think they wanted us to stop bitching about the heat.  The temperature dropped to 69 for a couple of days before things were “normalized” which can be translated as “we feel we have gotten our vengeance”. 


Thankfully things are back to normal, which sadly means that ties are back.  You can tell the temperature is about right as most of us are not melting, asleep or have garments of clothing stuck to us.  You can also tell b/c the Bermudians have their space heaters cranked to full heat mode.


I expected things to be warm here in Bermuda, but not that warm at work in February for sure.


“If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?”



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One Comment
  1. The Cayman Arbos permalink

    Air purifier, my ass!  Last time I saw one of those, Gilligan and the professor were trying to radio back an SOS to the mainland.

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