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What a year it has been

March 14, 2010

A year ago today, well it was a Saturday instead of a Sunday, an uncomfortable Sue left for the hairdresser to get a final cut we figured before the big day.  She joked with the also pregnant hairdresser that as long as she didn’t burst in the chair all would be good.  She left there came home feeling good about looking good for the baby shower the next day.

I hum and hah about whether to eat lunch before or after going to get groceries, secretly wishing for a drive thru whopper with cheese no pickles – when Sue decides to go to the bathroom.

"Ah Honey – I’mmmm leaking…………." comes from the loo.  "What do you mean leaking?" I said.  Despite knowing that day would come and I thought I would remain cool, I immediately become the father to be running around the apartment like a chicken with no head you so often see in sitcoms and movies.  I literally ran back and forth as if digging a trench.  Looks like we’re going to have an even bigger reason to celebrate pi day.

Off to the hospital we went, and a 10 or 11 hours or so later, boom (actually it was more of a flop like noise than a boom) Keaton was born.  The year has gone by so fast it’s hard to believe really until we stop and think about the late night feedings, not having any clothes that fit him, being excited by the simple act of him holding his head up, him not being able to move when he was placed on his back, and a lot of those things seem pretty far away. 

Today we were going to have a big birthday party for him with friends and babysitters and watch him eat cake for the first time.  But on Thursday we noticed something wrong with his eye, which quickly became pink eye.  Friday he developed a fever and "digestive issues".  He’s had a cold since that he’s since given to Mom and is at least trying to give it to Dad. 

So Mom is a zombie, Keaton is miserable – we had to move the party to next week so that we weren’t later blamed for starting a local plague.  But it’s still a pretty fantastic day, after all you only get to turn 1, once.  We bought Keaton a new firetruck that went over really well and we’ll have a little cake later as a warm up for the big day next week.  

So here’s a picture from every month – including the very first picture and one from today.


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